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Guide To Vauxhall Key Cover: The Intermediate Guide Towards Vauxhall Key Cover > 자유게시판

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Guide To Vauxhall Key Cover: The Intermediate Guide Towards Vauxhall K…

페이지 정보

작성자 Alena
댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-09-02 07:43


renault-logo-evolution.jpgVauxhall Key Cover

vauxhall mokka key fob key covers are a great way to secure your key fob. It fits perfectly around your keys and does not interfere with the signals emanated by your key. It's beautiful too!

First, draw a pattern of your fob or key. The pattern should include tabs long enough to wrap the sides.


vauxhall antara replacement key key covers are made from 100% silicone and offer perfect fitting around your car key. They protect your keys from scratching, dirt and dust. The cover doesn't affect the transmission of signals from your key and is easy to clean.

Our key cases are compatible with (among others) the following models: vauxhall astra key Agila, Astra, Corsa, Tigra, Vectra, Ampera, Insignia, Meriva, Zafira, Karl, Adam, Crossland X and Mokka. Be aware that the model key must match in order to fit the key case! The case can't be used with a key that has a transponder integrated.

All key covers are handmade and personalized. They cannot be returned unless they are faulty.


The key cover is designed to replace the original case and protect your car key from bumps and scratches. The cover can also be engraved to make it more personal. The process is easy however, turnaround times will vary depending on how many orders are made and the size of the engraving. The key cover is made of real wood and must be treated with care. It can be coated with oil to prevent cracking and dryness however, it should not come in contact with fire or water. It is recommended to use walnut oil. It is also recommended to polish the shell regularly.


Vauxhall car keys covers are available in a variety of colors. You can choose one that matches your style. It's also designed to fit your specific car key fob which means you can be sure it will work with your vehicle. It can protect your key from damage and keep it looking neat and fresh. It's very light, making it easy to carry around in busy pockets or bags. It will help keep keys from getting lost in the chaos of a busy day. These covers are an excellent alternative to expensive replacement keys. Production and ordering online is quick.happy-african-american-businessman-holding-car-key-2022-12-16-16-36-17-utc-min-scaled.jpg


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